Rate Limits

API Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage and maintain the quality of our service, the Trycolors API implements rate limiting. These limits vary depending on the endpoint and your subscription plan.

Current Rate Limits

API EndpointRate Limit (requests/second)Daily Limit (requests/day)
Mix Colors250
Unmix Color120
Similar paints120

Understanding Rate Limits

  • Rate Limit (requests/second): This is the maximum number of requests you can make to an endpoint per second.
  • Daily Limit (requests/day): This is the total number of requests you can make to an endpoint in a 24-hour period.

Handling Rate Limit Errors

If you exceed the rate limit, the API will return a 429 (Too Many Requests) status code. When this occurs, you should:

  1. Pause your requests for a short period.
  2. Implement exponential backoff in your application to automatically handle rate limiting.

Upcoming Changes

We are currently working on enhanced rate limits for paid tiers. These new tiers will offer higher limits to accommodate more intensive usage. Stay tuned for updates!

Best Practices

To make the most of your rate limits:

  1. Cache responses when possible to reduce unnecessary API calls.
  2. Implement retry logic with exponential backoff for failed requests.
  3. Spread out your API calls evenly over time rather than sending them in bursts.

If you have specific needs that exceed our current rate limits, please contact our support team to discuss custom solutions.